Zach, a fourth grade student, is referred for vision therapy because of intermittent blurred vision, and struggle with reading. I found he had poorly developed eye movement coordination, and eye teaming. These were, no doubt, interfering with his ability to tackle any type of paperwork. He could not comprehend what he was reading, he kept losing his place, and homework took FOREVER!
After just 13 weeks of vision therapy, this once shy young man, is reading on his own for the first time, and enjoying it! He is catching up in his reading, and both reading, and spelling grades have improved dramatically. He no longer complains of his eyes tiring or blurring. His parents are thrilled, and so are we!
Zach is a case of vision therapy opening up a world of reading enjoyment, and confidence in general. I cannot wait to see how well he is doing after we finish his program...